Making Your Brand A Signal Instead Of Noise

Making Your

Brand A Signal

Instead Of Noise


Our team

Jeff Fargo
A digital strategy titan, and master conversationalist with 30+ years shaping the online realm. In one year amplified his "Fargo Talks" podcast to reach a monthly audience over 2 million and in 2023 uploaded 400+ videos to YouTube, generating over seven million impressions over multiple social media channels, showcasing his mastery in content creation and AI. Jeff's network of entrepreneurial and tech powerhouses further cement his status as a leading innovator in the digital space.
Max Farzine
Short Form Video Strategist
Exceling in crafting viral clips through meticulous video editing, Max specializes in repurposing long-form content into highly engaging short-form videos; his expertise has generated over 750 million organic views.
Khristian Black
YouTube Thumbnail King
Khristian’s obsessed in getting maximum clickthroughs on YouTube Videos with custom thumbnail designs; he's generated over 100 million YouTube views for clients like LoveLiveServe (8.33M subs), Deestroying (5.72M subs), and School of HardKnocks (194k subs).


Scott Vera
Founder, Level 9 Studios
For over 15 years Scott has set himself apart as the benchmark for podcast production and editing long-form videos; his meticulous work ethic has earned him the right to work with Elon Musk, Alex Hormosi, Zubi, and Dana White
Aziel Marin
Owner, Martin Eternal Visuals
Azi is much more than your typical photographer/videographer; he's a maestro of visual alchemy, transforming fleeting moments into timeless tales with his lens. With a keen eye for the extraordinary in the everyday, Azi crafts each frame as a vibrant testament to his passion for storytelling. His work is not just seen, but felt, inviting viewers on an immersive journey into the heart of each narrative. When the call is for visuals that don't just capture but captivate, Azi stands as the unparalleled artisan of the unforgettable.
Jacob Lewis
Owner, JCL Aerial Services
Jacob transcends the ordinary boundaries of aerial photography. Since 2018, he's soared above the rest, offering clients unparalleled perspectives from the heavens. Beyond capturing breathtaking vistas, Jacob empowers a new generation of drone enthusiasts, sharing his sky-high wisdom nationwide. His expertise isn't just about reaching great heights; it's about elevating every shot and pilot he guides into the vast blue yonder.